Bill gave us this Sibling
I’m thinking about Christy’s recent trip
to Priest Lake, Carol’s recent trip to Seattle, and my recent trip to Eugene.
Let’s all describe and write about an unexpected pleasure each of us
experienced on these trips.
Bill's post about his trip to Eugene is here, and Christy's post is here.
Recently I took a trip over to Seattle. My friend Tina had moved there last fall, and
I had been wanting to take some time to visit her. I had asked my friend Kellee to go over with
me, but she was unable to go the weekend I could go. But another friend Brenda was able to go, and
we had the bonus of not only visiting Tina, but another of our KHS Class of
1981 classmates as well, Karla.
Myself, Brenda, Karla and Tina
After living all over the world as a
military wife, Brenda and her husband now live in the Spokane Valley. I drove over Friday morning and picked her
up, and we drove all across the state of Washington, and reconnected. That was the first unexpected pleasure about
my trip.
Brenda and I were friends in high school,
but didn’t do a whole lot of things together.
We have seen each other very sporadically over the last 37 years since
we graduated from high school. But on
this trip, we spend about 10 hours with each other driving to and from Seattle,
and we got to catch up.
What a fascinating life Brenda has led,
living all over the United States and in Germany. Her husband was in the Air Force, and they
lived in Alaska, Mississippi, Illinois, Washington D.C., Colorado and
Germany. I am sure there were other
places, but these are the ones that I remember.
The raised three daughters during this time, and now her daughters are
all grown up and married, and living in different parts of the country.
Brenda is a great story teller, and she
had stories from every one of the places they lived and the one thing I loved
hearing, as she told her stories, was that she stayed true to who she was. She didn’t try to be someone she wasn’t. I so appreciated that about her.
The second unexpected surprise was the
beautiful area in Seattle where Tina lives, and what a wonderful life she is
making for herself in Seattle. She is a
social worker and works all over the area.
She lives in the Magnolia district which is a wonderful part of Seattle. I loved how she walked us around her new
neighborhood, and that this is what she now gets to experience. And that she gets to spend time with her
oldest daughter Abby, who also lives in Seattle. I like the changes that have happened for
Tina, and I like how she is embracing her life in Seattle.
The third unexpected surprise was going
the next day and spending the night with my friend Karla at her home in Lake
Stevens, and meeting some of her friends.
What a beautiful home her and her husband Terry have in Lake
Stevens. And they live very close to
their daughter and grandchildren, and are very active grandparents. They seem to have a really wonderful life and
I loved to hear stories of them leaving the Silver Valley, and starting their
life in the Seattle area and the different places and things they did, and
where they are now.
My unexpected surprised all centered
around reconnections with people, and hearing their stories. I loved hearing each and every story Brenda,
Tina and Karla had to share about their lives they live now, and the lives they
lived that brought them to this point in their life. Stories are so wonderful. I feel like I draw
closer to people when they share with me their stories. It helps me understand them. It adds to the person I am becoming as well.
And the four of us were able to create our
own story and memory that weekend, and I hope we have more stories and memories
together in the future.