
Gathering Graces 12/18/2018

*It was a weird day today.  It was really dark and gloomy outside, and I felt kind of dark and gloomy inside.  Not a major funk, but a minor funk.
*When Paul arrived home, I was in complete darkness in the house, except where some of the Christmas lights were on, and I was listening to an awesome book by Shana Neiquist called Cold Tangerines.  Listening to this book perked me up a little bit.
*Dinner was on our own with leftovers from dinner the night before.  I rallied, and put White Christmas on the television, and sat down and made a bookmark to send to one of my VIPKID students in China, and started addressing Christmas card envelopes.  I also started making a list of things I needed for a shopping trip tomorrow.  I at least got a few things accomplished today. 

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