
Gathering Graces 2/23/2019

*There was some squash still left over from my big squash patch in my garden last summer, and I had been meaning to cut them up and roast them.  I finally got around to doing that today.  After they got out of the oven and cooled, I scooped out the inside of about half of them before I had to go down and teach classes this evening.  I would leave rest for when I was done with classes.  When I came upstairs after teaching, that wonderful husband of mine scooped out the other squash for me, and put them in the fridge.  Now I will make soup with the cooked squash.  Yummy!!!
*For our book group this month we are reading The Trouble With Goats and Sheep.  I haven’t figured out if I like it yet or not.  I am about half way through the book.  To me, it had a rather slow beginning.  But as I start getting more of the story, I believe it will get better.  I will just keep plugging along, and see where it goes.
*I am so glad we have a bathtub in our home.  Sometimes a warm bath is just what is needed.  I mixed some almond oil and lavender oil to put in the bathwater, and it was very soothing smell, and it was smooth to the touch as well.  After I got up from my nap this morning, I relaxed in a warm bath, and it felt wonderful.

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