*Breakfast is probably one of my most favorite meals to eat. But I have been really bad lately getting up and eating something for breakfast. I have a cup of coffee, but often that is it. My friend Diana had a Pampered Chef party this last month, and one of the newer items they sell is a Ceramic Egg Cooker. I thought this might be a way to start cooking breakfast a bit easier. So I put two eggs in the egg cooker, shook them up about 10 times, put it in the microwave for 1 minutes, a presto, just like that I had scrambled eggs. They were really good. You can also add meat and cheese and vegetables to them, too. You can make poached eggs. You can make instant oatmeal. So all in all, I think it was a very good purchase. I love my Pampered Chef items. I was a consultant for a few years, and my kitchen is full of PC items. Yes, they may seem a bit more expensive at first, but overall they are good quality, and last a long time.
*It was very satisfying working with seniors in their Government class today, helping them get caught up on the college going process. I am very impressed with the majority of these seniors, and how they are getting through the application process, and submitting their FAFSA, and already many have started applying for scholarships. This all helps them work toward their goal of attending and paying for college.
*The Christmas show rehearsals are in full swing, and there are six Wallace Junior/Senior High School students, along with four Kellogg students, and five adults in this show. I am enjoying working with the KHS students I know, and I am enjoying getting to know and work with the Wallace students, too. And a couple of the adults are new to the Sixth Street stage as well. It is working out to be a really fun show with a great cast.

Carolers from the Sixth Street Theater serenaded bystanders during the lighting festival.