I DID IT!!! 30 Posts in 30 Days!!!

I Am So Blessed

“They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.”
10 For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you.
11 Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God.
2 Corinthians 9:8-11
Thanksgiving--Martin Creek Style

Sister Z2 also catching some z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z's.The Princess decided it was too loud in the living room to keep sleeping, so she headed to our room to sleep.
Raymond Pert relaxes while reading the morning paper.
Sadie and Peaches check out what is going on in the kitchen.

Will this warm cup of coffee help my sinuses feel better?

Oh, the picture taking is just beginning....heh...heh..heh!!!!

Grandma Mary working on the appetizers.

Yum...hot out of the oven!!! Crab and cranberry cups.

IEG going over her detailed list, and giving JEJ last minute instructions.

Gosh, it is almost time for dinner....does anyone know where The Princess is???????

Instead of the traditional Turkey Dinner, IEG decided to have us prepare a Native American Feast instead. It was a delicious meal of the crab and cranberry appetizers,
the Autumn Red Greens Salad

Roasted Vegetables

Hazelnut Butter and Honey Squash
Here is the whole plate full of Barbecued Salmon, Roasted Vegetables, Squash, Cranberry Chutney, and Fry Bread.
Great Idaho History Blog Find

On this blog I am posting writings, mementos & pictures related to Idaho history from the late 1800's to early 1900's. Much of it pertains to the assassination of my great grandfather Governor Steunenberg in 1905, the assassin Harry Orchard, mining and labor, the trial of Bill Haywood in 1907 and the various 100 year historical projects and events that took place in Idaho. Your comments, items of interest & viewpoints are welcomed. John T. Richards Jr. Email to: john.t.richards@sbcglobal.net
Homonym Fun
KA: Mom, you know what homonyms are, don't you?
Me: Yes, I know what homonyms are. A homonym is one of a group of words that share the same pronunciation but have different meanings, and are usually spelled the same.
KA: Well, I need to find out what "A Golden Society" would be.
Me: Let's see.......Hm-m-m-m-m.............What could it be?....Boy, this is kind of tough......No, you don't have to wait until you dad gets home, I'll get it!!!...Oh, I know....A Gild Guild.
Wait, maybe if we add another part to it, you can get additional extra points...How about this?

I've Got The Godspell Blues

Eruption Alert!!!..Will It Be Dad or the Mountain?
I think she could actually be in the Guiness Book of World's Records for being a part of the most disasters in our home in the last 50 years or so.
Here was this week's sibling assignment:
Finish this sentence." I will never forget the time _______happened at 516 W. Cameron. Remember? It was a huge disaster."
You can read about IEG's coffee disaster here, and RP's TV cable disaster here.
During the spring of 1980, my family was involved in the planning of IEG's first wedding. The reception was going to be in our backyard.

Then May 18, 1980, Mt. St. Helens, a volcano in the southwestern corner of the state of Washington blew volcanic ash all over the Pacific Northwest.
Kellogg was inundated with about a foot of the stuff.
But as summer came, the ash problem was well under control, the cedar deck had been built in the backyard, and plans were moving forward for the big day.
Then, about a week before the wedding, a news report came on one of the Spokane News stations that there was a possiblity Mt. St. Helens was going to blow again.
Panic hit 516 W. Cameron. My Grandma was called in Spokane, and it was decided she and her daughter (our Aunt Ruth) and her husband needed to climb into their motor home and come over early, so they wouldn't be hit with another wave of ash falling.
So Dad headed for the front porch, drink in hand, and did a great imitation of Mount St. Helens about ready to blow.
Grandma, Aunt Ruth and her husband arrived in Kellogg safe and sound.
Mount St. Helens never exploded that summer.
I'm not so sure about Dad.
The wedding Mount St. Helens disaster was averted.
Figures it was IEG's wedding.
Here, There, Everywhere

Pam's First Novel..."Little Lost River"

Kids Serving The Community

David E. Kelley, You Really Make Me Think
That is one of the reasons we don't pay for cable television at our house. It just isn't a good investment of our time or money.
But my mother is good at taping a few shows we do enjoy watching, and we watch them at our leisure throughout the week.
I usually enjoy most of these selected shows, and every once in a while I get to the end of one of these shows, and I say WOW!!
That is what happened the other night when I watched an episode of "Boston Legal". The episode was called "Roe" and was aired on November 10th. The description of the episode says:
Jerry Espenson insists on defending himself in court when he's accused of aggravated assault after a run-in with a bully. Meanwhile, Alan Shore and Shirley Schmidt try to help an underaged pregnant girl obtain a judicial by-pass for an abortion.
The Jerry Espenson storyline was okay. But it was how the show's creator David E. Kelley handled the abortion issue that left me at the end of the episode saying, WOW!!
The writers of this series took this very complicated, complex issue and, in an hour long episode, explored many of the nuances of this issue, and really made me think about what a fraction of some of the issues and feelings are for people in this country.
It was interesting going to the message board at abc.com regarding this episode, and the reaction from some people. It got Pro Life and Pro Choice people upset. Personally, I thought it explored both sides, and really didn't push one thing down your throat, but showed how it can affect people in different ways.
I thought is was very well written, and thought provoking, and I'm glad I was able to watch such a controversial topic handled this way.
Happy Birthday, PKR!!
Today my sweetie turned 49 years old.
We drove to Coeur d'Alene and picked up The Princess and her boyfriend at NIC and had dinner at Moontime. Check out a great review from Orange TV at Get Out North Idaho.

My mom also joined us for dinner. So PKR and I enjoyed a wonderful meal with mom, The Princess and Boyfriend, Z2 and Kiki Aru.
I enjoyed one of the specials, Chicken Pot Pie, with a Spinach and Pear salad.
Mom enjoyed a steak sandwich.
PKR and Z2 enjoyed the Shrimp and Roasted Tomato Linguine. PKR also enjoyed a cup of gumbo.
Kiki Aru also got a special, the Italian Tortellini.
The Princess had Raviolli, and Boyfriend had the famous Moon Burger.
It was fun being all together, and enjoying a wonderful meal.
One of life's simple pleasures.
War Stories
As our thoughts are centered on the men who fought for and defended our country this week, write a post with the focus on War.
I have no first hand experience of any kind of war.
The way I have experienced any kind of war is through stories.
And these stories have been told to me through a variety of ways, including books, movies, television shows, news accounts, and conversations with veterans.
Probably my first exposure to war was the television show, "Hogans Heroes", a half hour comedy show about some POW's in a German camp in World War II. I remember laughing with my dad as reruns came on after I got home from school. What an interesting concept for a tv show, showing how crafty the POW's were, and how utterly incompetant the German's at the camp were. Here is a little taste of "Hogan's Heroes".
My next exposure was probably M*A*S*H*, another tv show about a medical unit in the Korean War. The thing I loved about this show, is how it could be both funny and serious and take you through a range of emotions in one episode. This show ran for 11 seasons, and I grew up with Hawkeye, Trapper John, B.J., Radar, Klinger, Father Mulcahy, Charles, Colonel Blake, Colonel Potter, Frank Burns, Hotlips and others who drifted in and out of Korea during those years. I know this show had an impact on my view of war today.
I was in college when the last episode, "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen" aired, and the "smoker" as our TV room at the TriDelt house was referred to, was packed full of girls that evening to watch the final episode. There wasn't a dry eye in the room as we said goodbye to this show. I can still watch that episode, and tear up. Here are a few highlights on this video. This even made me cry!!
Too Tired.....
With four performances of "Godspell" under my belt, I can't do much more than sit in bed and nod off to sleep.
I'm suppose to have a sibling assignment done today, but it isn't going to happen.
My head is in a fog, my throat hurts, and I need some sleep.
So, I'll get back to my sibling assignment tomorrow.
For tonight, here is a little video for all you combination Star Trek/Holy Grail fans. Enjoy.