This week's assignment was this: " Many hours of our childhood were spent playing games. Share a memory that involved playing a game(es)." IEG's wonderful post about playing Yahztee is here, and RP's post will be here someday.
The cast of Godspell at the Sixth Street Theater in Wallace.
I sent an email out to all the staff of the Kellogg School District, and one of the teachers, after seeing the picture, joked to PKR and said, "That is the oldest cast for Godspell I have ever seen."
I shared this at rehearsal tonight, and we started coming up with bogus slogans for our production, based on this "aging" idea.
Here are some of the suggestions below. If you have any others, I'd welcome more ideas. In fact, I'm going to have a little promotional contest. Whoever comes up with the most clever slogan will win two tickets to Godspell to the performance of their choice (see the sidebar for performance details). The contest will go through Sunday, November 2nd, and I'll announce the winner on Monday, November 3rd. Just leave a comment and your email address so I can contact you if you win. Good Luck!!!
Godspell: The Geritol Years
Godspell: We Walked With Jesus (Literally)
Come See Our Godspell: Where the Deaf Will Hear, The Blind See, and the Lame Walk (And That's Just the Cast!!)
Godspell: Where We Just Try and See More Clearly Day By Day
So, I invite you one and all, to follow, follow, follow!!!
I remember we ended our presentation with LR having a briefcase, and opening it up, as if she was going to unveil this production, and she exclaimed, "Oh, it is so light, I must have forgotten it at home!" or something like that.
We were a great team, and got an A in that class.
So "The Way We Were" doesn't bring to mind Robert Redford and Barbara Streisand trying to make their relationship work in this film. Instead, it takes me back to those days at the University of Idaho when PKR and I were falling in love.
Fortunately, we have a much better relationship than Katie and Hubbell could ever manage to have in the movie.