At the end is the FINISH line

Lack of Discretion
the quality of being discreet, esp. with reference to one's own actions or speech; prudence or decorum.
Where has discretion gone in our society? People seem so free to share every private detail about their personal lives anymore.
It is like constantly watching The Jerry Springer Show or Maury.
I am amazed at the information my high school-aged daughter knows about the sexual lives of her fellow classmates...and these aren't even close friends.
But it isn't just teenagers.
Couldn't Senator Larry Craig have been a little more discreet? I actually saw Senator Craig two or three days after the "incident" happened while on my trip to Washington D.C. last June. One of his staff was giving us a tour of the Capitol Building, and we ran into him in the corridor.
And we were also in the Minneapolis Airport that week because we switched planes there. Thank goodness we didn't know of the things going on.
Idaho Escapee at Atmospheric Ruminations shared his thoughts on the subject here, and his thoughts got me thinking.
Why do people share their "dirty laundry"? Why do people make choices that could very well become public, when they are public figures themselves?
Is it a lack of
self control?
1. control or restraint of oneself or one's actions, feelings, etc.
I just finished reading a book by Gregg Olsen called "Confessions of an American Black Widow" a true crime novel about a woman whose lover killed two of her husbands. She was the poster child for lack of self control. She married for money. She killed for money. She lived for what she wanted. She had sex with whoever and whenever she wanted. And ended up in jail with no chance of parole until she is in her 80's.
In my world, discretion and self control are pretty big on the list of things to do in your life. The Bible talks about self control as being one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. So to me it is pretty important. It isn't always easy, but I know I try and live the way I believe God wants me to, so those fruits are lived through my life. I believe He helps me and gives me strength to have self control.
I've learned I can't do everything I want to do in life. I can't have everything I want. Giving in to my every desire is dangerous. It is good to show restraint.
And that way I don't have to know so much about everyone's business.
TMI (Too Much Information)
Can you all just keep that stuff to yourselves?
Withdrawals are Making me Cranky

Still Life of My Tree
Since February I have been taking pictures of the tri color beech tree in my backyard. Here is a sampling of how it has changed each month.



Where The Deer and Antelope Play
So would The Princess, Kiki Aru and Z2.
#93--My Tree--Concealing summer's swift decrease
By Helen Jackson
Silence again. The glorious symphony
I get that sinking feeling when...
I haven't posted a Sundy Scribbling in a while. This week's prompt is "I get that sinking feeling..." This post is kind of a downer, but these are the things that give me that icky, sinking feeling in my stomach. Here are some more Sunday Scribblings here.
1. I have to go to work and tell the people I have been working with the last two years that I got another job and I will be leaving them.
2. My oldest daughter tells me that her two best friends are going to go to a high school 40 miles away and she feels all alone as she starts her senior year.
3. I say goodbye to Rainee, a little Pom we have been dogsitting that I grew attached to in a very short time.
4. I plan a brunch for a bunch of wonderful ladies, but the timing was bad, people are still busy with summer plans, so only a few are able to show up.
5. Words come out of my mouth that may be hurtful to someone, even though this was not my intention at all.
6. I hear "The Loud Family" across the street yelling at each other, yelling at their kids, and their kids swearing at each other while they play outside.
7. People say the "F" word around me. I just hate that word.
8. I see the effects of meth on the face of a woman in the store.
9. A child is the target of a bully.
10. I see an animal who has been abused.
Victims in the Centre of the Universe

Time to GEAR UP for my new job

The mission of GEAR UP Idaho is to inspire students to become active in their educational experience and to ensure they are academically prepared for advancement to post-secondary education; and to increase the economic development and quality of life of Idaho residents by offering avenues to post-secondary education.
Happiness Is...Performing in a KHS Musical

I grew up listening to Broadway musical soundtracks. From the time I could remember, I would sit upstairs in the “hall” and put the soundtracks to many popular musicals. I can still sing all the songs from “The Music Man” and “Oklahoma” and “The Sound of Music” by heart.
As I grew older, my dream was to be a performer on Broadway. I loved to sing, and I loved to act, and I loved to perform.
My last year in high school, I came close to fulfilling that dream. (Okay, so the stage at Kellogg High School is quite a ways from Broadway, but this is my dream we’re talking about, and I’ll take whatever I can get!!)
The achievement I am most proud of from attending Kellogg High School was being a part of the production “You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown” my senior year. I got to play the part of Lucy Van Pelt, and it was one of the greatest experiences I had in high school, and definitely on my top ten list of performances I have given in my life.
There had not been a musical performed at KHS since “The Music Man” in 1974. (I think that is right). But two of my friends and I had performed in plays with the drama teacher Mrs. Faraca all through high school, and so I think she knew this may be a good year to attempt this production.
As I look back on this experience, it seemed like we performed it for weeks, but, as I look at my scrapbook, it was just two weekends in February of 1981.

One of the parts I performed was called “Queen Lucy”, and I still get people today, after 26 years, who still remember me performing that part today.
The cast was so fun, with Jim Boyd as Charlie Brown, Eric Benson as Linus, (I remember getting to punch him in the mouth every night), John Brower as Schroeder, and Lisa Ruff as Violet. The role of Snoopy was pretty demanding, and Mrs. Faraca didn’t feel like any students were up to the part, so she got Randy Brooks to play Snoopy. Randy had done some Community Theater, and was the program manager at KWAL, the valley’s local radio station.
Musical theater is a special art form for me, that tells a story in a way no other art form can.
I am proud to have been a part of this musical tradition at Kellogg High School, and hope to perform in many more musicals in my lifetime.
Day Two--One Giant Step For Coco

The downlink was scheduled to begin a little after 3 p.m., but we were told to be in the VIP room by 2 pm, because then the doors would be closed, and nobody would be allowed to enter after 2 p.m.
The program began with some Idaho dignitaries taking the podium, including Lori Otter, the first lady of Idaho, gave a proclomation, Senator Mike Crapo and Congressman Bill Sali addressed the crowd, and Superintendent of Schools Tom Luna and Boise Mayor David Bieter also talked to the kids.
Then Dottie did the "warm up" until the downlink. Then the big event started.
The DCI staff made the NASA connection, and it was a go. As we watched the big screen TV, the four astronauts were introduced by Idaho teacher Barbara Morgan, who was the main reason all of this was made possible.
"Good afternoon, we're happy to be here with you. This is Al Drew, Clay Anderson, Dave Williams and I'm Barb Morgan and we're ready for your first question. Welcome on board the International Space Station."
From asking how fast a baseball can be thrown in space, to how do you prepare for a space walk, the students asked question after question, until all of a sudden, DCI staffer Woody Sobey was making a signal. We thought the downlink was getting cut off before the final students could ask their questions. But the International Space Station did a gimble roll to realign with the satelite signal so they could finish the questions. And they did. There wasn't a dry eye in the place when it was finished.
I received an email from Woody today, and here is what part of it said: "NASA said it was one of the best downlinks they'd seen, so well done to you."
I thought it couldn't have gone any better. Everyone involved was so wonderful from Woody to the Idaho science teachers Kevin and Barbara.
So, once the program was done, the students were sent into the media frenzy, with newspaper, T.V. and radio reporters vying for their attention.
Here is Coco being interviewed by Spokeman Review reporter Betsy Russell. She was also on FOX-12 TV in Boise, and Channel 6 TV station in Boise did a voice over with her question. A crew from an outfit that does documentaries for NASA also interviewed Coco.
And now it is done. Coco is at a friends house in Clarkston, Washington for a few days, and they she'll be home Sunday.
But I know she will always remember the day she talked to the astronauts on the International Space Station.
It is the policy of the United States that activities in space should be devoted to peaceful purposes for the benefit of all mankind.
— P. L. 85-568 U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958.
Space....the final frontier--Day One
Somehow these questions didn't make the cut!
Here is Coco practicing into the microphone with Idaho Science Teacher Kevin Collins who was a big part of why the everything went to smoothly.
Next up.....day two....talking to astronauts in space.
Uncle Harry
On our trip this past week we had a wonderful time visiting my Uncle Harry. Harry was my dad's older brother, the only living sibling from my dad's family. He lives in a retirement home in Boise.
Uncle Harry treated us to lunch at Roundtable Pizza. We had fun visiting Harry, and to have us call us "his women". I spent some time asking Harry about growing up in Kellogg and Wardner, and the places they lived. First they lived on Brown Ave., then they moved to Wardner and lived on Courderoy Hill, then they moved the 3rd Street in Kellogg, which is the same house my babysitter Mrs. Price lived when she took care of me. I look at this house now and never realized how tiny it was. Harry is my last connection to my dad and their life in the Silver Valley.
Harry has been a member of Alcoholics Anonymous for over 50 years. He did substance abuse counseling at the VA hospital in Boise for years, but now he says he enjoys staying at his home and making the older ladies feel special.
His wife, my Aunt Phyllis, passed away a couple of years ago, and he still chokes up talking about her.
Kiki Aru and Uncle Harry, too!!
Uncle Harry kept saying we made an old man's day, but I think "his women" were also blessed by the time spent with Harry.
Harry is a goofier version of my dad, but in a very good, loving, special way.I love Uncle Harry's open heart and giving nature.
When we droppped him off, he invited us up to his "bachelor pad" as he refers to his small apartment. He kept bragging about how he could play his bugle for us. He explained that when he was a student at Kellogg High School, he was a member of the Drum and Bugle Corps, and often shared this fact with his friends. Well, his friends heard it enough that one of them purchased him a bugle. We were fortunate enough to hear him play his bugle.
He said he often goes down to the dining hall and plays the bugle for the residents. He said they aren't ever that impressed.
I am so glad we spent a few hours with Uncle Harry. The girls got a big kick out of him, and they enjoyed his humor and his jokes.
Connecting with family is very important, and spending time with Uncle Harry this past week was a very special blessing.
#91--My Tree--Smoke From a Distant Fire
Don Sausser's Favorite Tree

We purchased rental property at the corner of 12th St & Walnut in CDA. In the Spring we were upgrading the property by removing two old tired fruit trees, removing a 1920's Model A garage, replacing the lawn and adding sprinklers. The Black Locust tree blooms about one month later than other trees and it looked totally dead. The arborist said I didn't want to remove it so I had him properly prune the dead branches out.
When it bloomed I couldn't believe it. Very fragment small white flowers. Unfortunately they are short lived (prior to leafing out) & blow all over the neighborhood.
But with it so stately reaching for the sky, it will no doubt outlive me (72).
Don Sausser