Tonight, Z2 is handing out candy to our little trick or treaters. She has been looking forward to this all year, and wasn't sure if she was going to be able to do it.
She woke up early and got on the bus to go to Moscow for the U of I Homecoming. She marched in the parade with the KHS Marching Band, then played right before the game. Then PKR went and got her so she could come back for the rest of the evening's festivities. Too bad she didn't stay for the whole game. I would have loved to have been there to see my Vandals come from behind and win 35-34 today.
Then The Princess drove Kiki Aru and her friend CS to the NIC Volleyball game this afternoon. PKR picked them up after the volleyball game, and brought them back. Kiki Aru and cousin KR are out trick or treating right now.

The Princess is adding to the Halloween atmosphere by watching "Twilight Zone" episodes on the television.
Once everyone returns, we are all heading back to Coeur d'Alene to Arrowpoint to spend the night with PKR's brother's family. They are up here watching the Idaho State Volleyball tournament.
So, yes, this is one hoppin' Halloween!!!