As I celebrated my birthday yesterday, it was filled with little special birthday treats, most of them unexpected.
The first treat was sleeping in until 8 a.m. I normally get up about 5:30 a.m. and walk with my friend NR, but I told her I wanted to take Friday off. What a luxury!!
Then I made some coffee and toast with strawberry jam on it, and headed outside to my backyard, and leisurely read the morning newspaper.
While outside my brother Raymond Pert called to wish me a Happy Birthday. We talked for about 45 minutes, and it warmed my heart when I received a message from him later in the day, telling me how much he appreciated our visit, and how our talk lifted his spirits. Again, a surprise and unexpected treat.
I then got on my gardening clothes and headed to the flower beds to do some weeding, mostly pulling grass. You could have never convinced me when I was in grade school and junior high that going out on my birthday and pulling grass in my garden would be a treat...ah, but it was...very therapeutic. And the best part was I could do it without having to be anywhere...no time schedule.
After the weeding was done, I fertilized with Miracle Grow. With the onslaught of heat that has finally arrived in the Silver Valley, I figured my plants could use a little boost.
Then I went inside and PKR went and got Chinese food from Wah Hings for lunch. After enjoying some good food, I looked at music from the 1920's to get ideas for the next Kelly's Alley Revue at the theater, since we start rehearsals tomorrow for the August show.
Z2 flew to New York City yesterday, and called to say she arrived safely, and was getting settled in their hotel (
The Roosevelt, right in midtown Manhattan, called the "Grand Dame of Madison Avenue), and then getting ready to go out and explore. She is there with one of our good friend's and her daughter for a week, exploring the City, attending Broadway shows, and making her mother and older sister extremely envious!!
Inland Empire Girl also called to wish me a Happy Birthday. I share a birthday with her husband JEJ, and they were planning a nice outing to a restaurant in Colville. You can read about it
I started getting a little sleepy, and felt a nap coming on, so went outside, grabbed a blanket and pillow, and laid down on the grass in the backyard, under out beautiful Tri-Color Beech tree. Again, what a special treat.
PKR came out to get me so I could go get showered and get ready to go to Mom's house for a BBQ. As I was getting ready, I got another phone call from my sister-in-law LDR, who also wished me a happy birthday, and informed me she had bought a new car. The last four cars she has purchased have been white Honda's and she became a rebel yesterday, and bought a black Honda Civic. I can't wait to see it!!
Then PKR, The Princess, Kiki Aru and her friend SG headed over to Mom's house for a BBQ. We had steak, corn on the cob, and fresh green salad from Mom's garden. Then we had my favorite German Chocolate Cake and homemade vanilla ice cream. Yum! Yum!

But all that relaxing all day wore me out, because once we came home, I was in bed by 9:30 p.m.!!