And here we are today.
Part of our Spokane adventure included driving down Bridgeport, the street Grandma lived on when we were growing up. The area grandma lived has gone through some changes, and for a while was pretty run down. But it was nice to see a nice picket fence in front of her old house, and a swing on the porch. It looks like the residents are giving the house some TLC.

Here is Grandma Woolum with her three children on the porch at the house on Bridgeport. Pictured are Aunt Ruth, Grandma, Uncle Harry and Dad.
Uncle Harry is the only one still with us.And here they are all, one of the last times all four of them were together. I miss them all.
We took a trip to Fairmont, the cemetery where Grandma is buried. It is a beautiful place.
Here is her marker. I can't believe she has been gone for almost 17 years.
The marker next to Grandma's is my Great Aunt Esta and Great Uncle Tom.
Esta and Grandma were sisters.
Here is a picture of Aunt Esta, Grandma and Aunt Ethel in Grandma's backyard in Spokane. Esta and Ethel were twins. Esta also lived in Spokane, and Ethel lived in Salem, Oregon.
Here is the marker for the controversial plot next to Grandma's.
But that is another story for another time.Inland Empire Girl knew right where to find Grandma's plot because it is right by this beautiful praying hands monument. What a comforting message to watch over Grandma.
Here is the view over the hillside behind where Grandma is buried. It is very beautiful. Spokane is a beautiful city.
Here is another beautiful view of the Spokane area, high atop the Greenbluff area northeast of Spokane. This is an area where you can visit various farms and stands and buy from their bountiful harvest.We arrived at the beginning of the Peach Festival, and I just couldn't resist bringing home a box of Flaming Fury peaches I purchased from Harvest House. Yum! Yum!
I also picked up a unique squash called Lebanese squash sold here at the Strawberry Hills Farm, as well as some garlic.It is a real blessing to have two such wonderful siblings to go away with for a day and simply enjoy each other's company, get to know one another better, and discuss current events, blogging news, recall Spokane memories, and laugh with one another.
Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk.
~Susan Scarf Merrell