
Gathering Graces 4/25/2020 The Tale of Two Toads

For the past three summers, we have had a toad living in one of our window wells.  He estivates all winter in the dirt outside the window ledge, and then emerges sometime in the spring.  Mister Toad was discovered about a week ago scratching on the window to let someone know he was back.

A couple of days later, I was checking out the buds on some of my newly planted shrubs, and happened to glance down in another of our window wells, and discovered another toad.  This toad was not here last year.  Since he is a little bigger, a little chubbier, he was named Tubby Toad.

Now each toad has their own separate window well, full of leaves and moss and water dishes and logs and rocks.  They get fed worms every day or so.  We have found that Mr. Toad prefers the smaller, skinnier worms.  Tubby Toad has yet to eat.

I love having toads living around our house.

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