
SIbling Photo Assignment 2016.1: Images of Summer #3Siblings

Christy came up with idea of adding a second project to our Sibling Assignments. Each week we will do a Sibling Photo Assignment. She wants more opportunities to practice what she learned in the photography class she participated in last spring. 

Assignment #1: Summer Color. Take four pictures that depict summer to you. Focus on color by creating an arrangement of colors that are pleasing to the eye. When done we can compare colors we chose and what stood out in the arrangements taken.


You can see Bill's photo's here, and Christy's photos here.

I decided to take some photos of my favorite tree in our backyard, the Tri-Color Beech Tree.
This tree changes throughout the summer, and also looks different depending on the angle you are looking at it.  I spend a lot of time in the summer under this tree, reading in my hammock, having dinner, hosting parties, and gardening.  This tree has been the observer of many wonderful memories in our backyard, and in our family.  I really love this tree.

Here is what the full tree looks like at this time of year.


Here the leaves have  a white border with a touch of pink.

These leaves have a light pink border.
And some have a dark pink, almost magenta look to them.