
Gathering Graces 7/21/2018

*Work was hopping today.  Lots of people in town wanting to take a mine tour.
*A local gentleman often comes in toward the end of the day to have coffee and do some work.  I visited with him a bit today.  His name is J. Fulton Gadbois, and he is the owner of the 506 Bank St. Gallery & Studio.  He is working on a major project called INCUBATOR, a 100 year Panorama of the 20th Century. He had all kinds of drawings in front of him, as he tried to shape one section of this project.  I enjoyed visiting with him, and learning about this project.  To read more about this project, here is an article from our local newspaper here.
*After work I met Paul at Kellogg Middle School to look at the room we were going to be using this week at the Dare To Imagine Camp. 
*Please keep our family and extended family in your prayers.  A lot going on on many fronts, and prayers would be good.
*We came home and I fried up some spicy Italian sausage with some tomatoes and basil, and topped it with some Parmesan cheese.  We talked about the upcoming week, then Molly came and joined us at the table. Paul picked some raspberries and I enjoyed them after dinner, too.  It was a nice night.

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