Too much of the things I have on my schedule require me to sit at the table. I had had enough!! I needed some kind of project to get me outside. Hello Geraniums!
I have never wintered over my geranium baskets from the summer, but I decided to winter them over this year. Last fall I took them down to the basement and hung them from some ceiling pipes.

I went down and brought them upstairs, and took them out and cut back all the old stems and even some growth that had already started.

I am going to have them sit outside for a while until it starts really warming up, then I will start watering them, and see if I get some geraniums to come forth. I also wintered over a flower basket I bought at Yokes. We will see if it gets any new growth.
I put the herbs I had in pots in one of my bathtubs, and covered them over with some bedsheets over the winter. Some herbs have survived, and some I am still waiting to see if they survived or not. I am still waiting to see if the Rosemary survived the winter or not. Hello herbs!
Oregano |
Thyme |
Lemon Thyme |
Curly and Flat Leafed Parsley |
I used some Prime Rib bones to make my beef broth this past week, and I texted Christy if she thought Riley would want the bones. She was out walking Riley in Smelterville, and came by and picked them up on her way home. It was fun to see Riley. Hello Riley!
Hello Riley!! |
Enjoy your bones!! |
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