
Gathering Graces 2/7/2019

*I could not stay awake almost all morning.  I would try to complete some task, and doze off.  I would try again....doze off.  I finally gave in, laid on the couch and pulled a blanket over me, and took a nap.  My body was getting back used to waking up in the wee hours of the morning to teach class, after having a couple of days off.
*Christy and I are part of the committee for our Delta Delta Delta reunion being held in Moscow in June.  We are helping organize some activities for Saturday afternoon.  I had a couple of things to take care of, and I got them done today.  Now the information will be sent to the people sending out the registration packet.  I am really looking forward to the reunion this summer.  There are some people coming I haven’t seen for years, and it will be wonderful to reconnect with them.
*Skits and games keep my drama kids content in the after school program.  As long as I keep them active playing games and performing or improvising skits, they are happy, and their creative juices are flowing.  It is a fun sight to see and be a part of on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.

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