
Gathering Graces 2/6/2019

*Paul took today off to help with the funeral service of our friend Robin Jones.  Since we were both home today, we decided to do a blood glucose curve for our cat Toby.  This requires doing an ear prick and collecting blood on a strip and putting in a meter and getting  reading.  This is done every two hours for 12 hours.  It is not an awful thing to do, but I am glad we don’t have to do it that often.
*I had a dentist appointment scheduled for this morning, so I was unable to go to the funeral service.  But I contributed by preparing some food for the potluck supper they were serving after the funeral.  Not much happened at my dentist appointment.  The dentist is waiting until the sensitivity in my tooth calms down enough to get my crown permanently set.  Once water and air were put on my tooth, I knew it wasn’t going to be ready.  So I will go back in a few weeks, and check it again. But it was better than the last time I was in, so I do believe it is getting better!!
*The next two weeks I am talking to my drama students about Melodrama.  I prepared some information and some short melodrama skits for them to perform, and some theater games.  It is so fun to watch these students perform, and act out these short skits. 
*For dinner, I had put some frozen chicken drumsticks on the Crockpot on a bed of chicken broth, onions and mushrooms.  I seasoned it with herbs de Provence and salt and pepper.  I fixed some Cauliflower Lemon Pepper Rice to eat with it and a green salad.  The chicken turned out really good!!  I love using the Crockpot when forget to take out meat early enough to get it thawed.  The lovely Crockpot does it for you as it cooks!!
*At tonight’s PEO meeting, Christy and Dawn provided the program.  They brought supplies to make plant markers out of small wooden spoons.  It was a fun project to work on.  I made a couple for my house plants to remind me that I need to water them each week....one said “Water Me”, the other said “Kiss Me”.  Hopefully these will be good reminders for me to keep up on the watering of my house plants.

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