
Gathering Graces 3/25/2018

*Today marks the beginning of Holy Week in the Christian church.  This morning we waved our palm branches in church, as we sang “Hosanna in the Highest”, celebrating the Kingship of Jesus Christ, and his symbolic ride into town on a donkey.
*During our potluck/fellowship hour after church, we as a church spent some time “dreaming”, brainstorming ideas on how we as a church can minister to the community.  It was a good time of sharing, and exciting as well.
*One of our Idaho legislatures, Pricilla Giddings, was in church today and I had a chance to meet her and her husband Matt, and I enjoyed visiting with her.  The district she covers is very large, so it was nice to see her in the Silver Valley.  She lives south of Grangeville.
*After buying meat at Costco on Friday, I spent some time this afternoon preparing some of it.  I browned hamburger and made taco meat.  I browned some other hamburger and just put salt and pepper on it.  I also cooked some chicken drumsticks in the oven.  The other meat I prepared in containers to freeze.  This helps in my lunch and dinner preparations to have a lot of this prepared like this, and so I always have meat to cook for these meals.
*I spent some time readying another Jennifer Egan book, A Visit From the Goon Squad, a book Egan won a Pulitzer Prize for back in 2011.  So far, good character studies, but depressing content. 
*Christy fixed fajitas for family dinner tonight.  We were going to eat in her backyard shed, but because of the snow flurries in the late afternoon, dinner was moved inside.  It was a nice meal, and nice conversation between Christy, Everett, Bill, Paul and myself.  Bill talked about enjoying reading the Charles Dickens’ novel, Great Expectations, and it makes me want to fulfill that goal of mine to read one of Dickens’ novels.  I have started a few, but have never completed one.  Not even A Christmas Story.  So, by the end of the year, I hope to have this checked off my “books I want to read” list.
*After dinner we came home, and Paul replaced a door on Cosette’s bedroom with a door from the house we vacated back in 2006.  I sat and watched Big Dreams, Small Spaces.  Paul has made his way through the series, and I need to do some catchup.  So I worked on the shawl I am knitting, and enjoyed finishing one of the episodes.

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