
Gathering Graces 3/24/2018

*Here in Kellogg we woke up to a blanket of white snow on the ground.  It snowed off and on throughout the day, and rained a bit, too.  But by evening, the sun came out, but it was a bit cold.  B-r-r-r-r.
*Wednesday I am giving a presentation to two classes of Advanced Art students about my trip to Italy last summer, and sharing with them some of the things I saw.I worked on selecting photographs today to put in my presentation.  It is going to be hard to hone it down to a 45 minutes presentation!!  But I am up to the task.
*Speaking of Italy, I had a wonderful visit with April on the phone this morning.  We are trying to talk once a week on the phone, and I am so enjoying it.  When she lived here, we used to have coffee once a week and visit, so it is like we are getting back into having coffee dates again..even though we are over 5,000 miles apart.
*Paul and I watched the first episode of Sherlock tonight.  Paul has watched it before, but thought I might enjoy it.  It was good.  I am really in a mood to watch British television. 
*I continue making progress on the shawl I am knitting.  I am evening figuring out how to pick up a drip stitch most of the time, so that is good, too.  I had one thing happen that doesn’t have directions for in my Knitting for Dummies book.  What do you do when  your cat sits next to you and chews through the yard you are using on your project?  Bad, bad Clark!!

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