
1/3/15 Blessing: The Coffee Shop

Uptown Kellogg has a coffee shop!!

I have been longing for a place to go have coffee and hang out for a long time.

Recently, The Rusty Cup Coffee Shop has opened.  It is nice and cozy, with good coffee, nice atmosphere and friendly owners.

My Saturday blessing was going up and enjoying this coffee shop with my husband and daughter Coco, who is home on break from college. 

And to have my husband say to me, "we need to do this every week".  You don't have to convince me!!  He said he needs a little help making sure we do it, but we are going to make it happen!!

I went to this coffee shop about a week ago with my friend April, and she shared with the owners a text I had sent her back in November when she texted me to ask me where we wanted to meet for coffee.  This was my reply:

"I want to meet at the funky coffee shop in town with the big comfy chairs and the really good coffee...oh wait, we don't have a place like that....it is only in my dreams.  So, I don't know where to meet...oh, and that coffee shop I dream about has a big fireplace, too"

So, this place is pretty close to my dream place.  Comfy couch instead of comfy chairs.  Good coffee.  Electric fireplace, but it does look like a fire!!  Am very blessed to have a place to go now.

I have a feeling I'm going to become a regular!!


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