
1/2/15 Blessing: Good Food, Good Friends

I spent the day today preparing a meal. 

I love cooking.

I love cooking for others. 

One of my new favorite recipes to make is Crockpot Red Curry Lentils.  If you want to check it out, you can find the recipe here.

In addition to the Lentils, I made hummus, cucumber salad, and Naan bread.  I made some Jasmine Rice, and also had some great things to put on top of the lentils, such as coconut milk, chopped peanuts, cilantro, limes, apple, pineapple.

I got a new crock pot for Christmas, and this was the inaugural recipe.  This recipe serves about 16, so we had plenty.  I took some of the lentils, hummus and naan bread over to my mom's house so her and brother Bill could enjoy this meal for dinner. (And, thankfully, they loved it!)

Later, our friends April and Eric Lee came over and we enjoyed a wonderful meal around the table, next to a crackling fire in the fireplace.

Preparing delicious food, enjoying wonderful company, and spending time with good friends.

That is what goes in my Blessing Bag today.

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