
1/12/15 Blessing: Easter Cantata is Back!!

The Easter Cantata is back!!

I am so excited Joy Persoon has decided to once again bring back the Silver Valley Christian community coming together to present the Easter Cantata this coming Palm Sunday.

It has been almost five or six years since we had an Easter Cantata, and we finally came together to begin rehearsals.

There is something about gathering together with Christians from across the Silver Valley to unite together to share the message of Christ's Redemption through his death on the cross, and being raised from the dead.

And Joy has such a gift of bringing people together to sing and worship God. 

It is an honor and privilege to sing alongside these men and women as we practice and prepare to share this beautiful Easter message on Palm Sunday.

I am blessed to unite with people who love the Lord, and love to sing the Easter message, and share it with our community.

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