
1/11/15 Blessing: Talking About Amazing Grace

One of the parts I like most about being a part of my church family is hosting a small group Bible Study in our home.

Right now Paul and I are hosting a study based on a Philip Yancey book called "What's So Amazing About Grace?"  Each week he poses a different question about showing grace to people who we don't find it easy to be gracious toward.

Hosting this group, and having a discussion with the group members was my blessing for Sunday.

And what I like about each of our discussions is, no matter our views on the myriad of topics we are discussing, is that we need to show all people grace.  And each week it is another reminder to me of how Jesus wants me to live out my life here on earth.

We need to be kind, loving, gracious, merciful.

Even if we don't agree.

Even if we have been victims.

Even if we feel prejudice.

There is no exception to reaching out in love.

Jesus spells it out pretty clearly.....love your neighbor as yourself.

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