
Retreating Away

I am on retreat for a few days. About three or four years ago, I started writing a historical fiction novel about the Silver Valley. I worked a lot on it for a year. Then I got sidetracked by new jobs, family, moving to a new house, and life in general.

This summer I marked some days on the calendar to go away for a few days on retreat to work on my book.

My friends have a little loft above their shop up in the hills of the Silver Valley, and have graciously let me come live here for a few days this week to work on my book.

Today I wrote the first four chapters. My goal is to at least get the story written out, all 14 chapters, so I will have something to work with and revise.

It is fun to become acquainted again with Elizabeth, Joseph and Antonio, the three main characters of my book. I' ve been away from them for far too long.


  1. Yay! I was just going through my old writing files this week and started wondering... "What ever happened with that book SVG was writing?" I'm looking forward to reading more. Have a wonderful retreat!

  2. What a fine place to be retreating. Does the Princess deliver you a latte when she comes to work in the morning? It often takes getting away to really focus. Living our hectic lives and writing often run interference . Keep going!

  3. Say hello to Elizabeth, Joseph and Antonio for me. GOod luck, should be a blast to read it some day.
