
Hilary and Me in D.C.

Hilary Clinton made a surprise visit to the Gear Up conference I attended last week. She is a big supporter of the Gear Up legislation, and has helped get in funded over the last ten years. She was a very enthusiastic speaker, and you could tell she was a big supporter the Gear Up program.
I wasn't a supporter of Hilary's presidential campaign, but she was a very charismatic speaker, and I'm glad she supports Gear Up.
We also heard Nick Cannon, center, and his father, on the right, share at the Gear Up conference. Nick Cannon, for those of you who don't know him, is an entertainer who is also married to Mariah Carey. They shared about being a positive role model for young people, especially African American men in the United States.


  1. Sigh.

    I voted for Hilary in the Oregon primary.



  2. I knew she supported GEAR UP which was one of the many reasons I supported her in our primary. I also voted for her because she has also been a huge supporter of the National Writing Project and helped pass the legislation that gave us our funding for Title I. She also understands what is wrong with NCLB and I hope can continue to sort that mess out in whatever capacity she can come fall. What a great opportunity to hear her speak.

  3. It looks like a great conference! Congratulations. Never have heard of Gear Up before, but I can tell you that if I was married to Mariah Carey I would Gear Up too! HA!
