
My First Trip to the Big City

“Here Come The Brides” was a favorite show to watch when I was younger. I especially enjoyed the theme song sung by Bobby Sherman titled “Seattle”, the town on the western side of Washington state which was the setting for the show. It went like this:

The bluest skies you've ever seen in Seattle
And the hills the greenest green in Seattle

Like a beautiful child growing up free and wild

Full of hopes and full of fears

Full of laughter full of tears

Full of dreams to last the years in Seattle

In Seattle

When it's time to leave your home and your loved ones

It's the hardest thing a boy can ever do

And you pray that you will find

Someone warm and sweet and kind

But you're not sure what's waiting there for you

The bluest skies you've ever seen in Seattle

And the hills the greenest green in Seattle

Like a beautiful child growing up free and wild

Full of hopes and full of fears

Full of laughter full of tears

Full of dreams to last the years in Seattle

In Seattle

When you find your own true love

You will know it

By her smile, by the look in her eye

Scent of pine trees in the air

Never knew a day so fair

It makes you feel so good

That you could cry

The bluest skies you've ever seen in Seattle

And the hills the greenest green in Seattle

Like a beautiful child growing up free and wild

Full of hopes and full of fears

Full of laughter full of tears

Full of dreams to last the years in Seattle

In Seattle

This week's sibling assignment from Inland Empire Girl posed this task. Think of a town that evokes memories from a time (or times) spent there. Were you there for a special event, did you visit there regularly, or does it just hold a special place in your heart because of people or events that happened there? Raymond Pert's is here, and Inland Empire Girl's is here.
Because of the song, the town of Seattle always held some magic and, in July of 1979, I finally got to go there.

That summer, the All Star Baseball Game was being played in the King Dome in Seattle. My dad and his friend Dick and my brother joined a large contingent of Kellogg residents who all purchased tickets and traveled to Seattle to see the game. My brother’s wife, Mom and I also got to go to experience Seattle.

Besides traveling to Orofino in the summers, this was the first time I had ever traveled to a major city for any kind of trip or vacation, so this was a BIG DEAL.

We stayed in downtown Seattle at “The Kennedy Hotel”, and did some sight seeing. One vivid memory I have was proclaiming in our hotel room, “I didn’t come to Seattle to sit around a hotel room. I want to go out and do something.”
And we did. We strolled around Pikes Street Market. We toured Underground Seattle, and went to Pioneer Square. We saw the Space Needle. We went to the “Woodland Park Zoo.” I still remember the nocturnal section, where large bats hung from the ceiling in an eerie glow, and Lorises lumbered along in their slow, methodical way. Also seeing Mount Rainer was an awesome experience.

It was my first time in a big city. It was my first time seeing the ocean….well at least Puget Sound. It was my first exposure to a large zoo. It was a magical time.
And Seattle has always held a special place in my heart. PKR and I went there for a trip in college, and then returned there for our honeymoon. Unfortunately, the last time I was in Seattle, believe it or not, was for a conference I attended in 1987. Can it really be 20 years since I have been to this magical city?

We have really got to get over for a visit soon.


  1. Does anyone recall why I wasn't part of the family magical time?
    Great post and I am amazed it has been that long since you have been there.

  2. Loved the show. Love the city. We by passed it this year - as we were traveling to Victoria - but it is a great place.

  3. IEG--Why weren't you a part of that trip?

    PIMD--I have always wanted to go to Victoria as well. I'm sure it was lovely!

  4. We had a great time! There were many things we did that made it memorable, but the city is busier than I expected and teeming with travelers from all over the world. (It was pricey, too, but like my husband says, "It was a once in a lifetime experience."

  5. I liked your post alot. My grandma who still lives in Kellogg, was a part of the group that went to the all-star game in 1979. She had a seat near first base and was so excited she got to see Pete Rose.

  6. I'm glad you liked it John. Since I didn't go to the game I didn't realize how many people traveled over from Kellogg, until Raymond Pert told me. All I cared about, at the time, was seeing the sights. That must have been one fun game for all who attended.
