
The Curtain is Down and the Stage Has Been Struck

The Curtain is Down and the Stage Has Been Struck

Viva La Company

It's Time to go home, so we wish you good luck

Viva La Company.

Viva la viva la viva l'amore

Viva la viva la viva l'amore
Viva l'amore, viva l'amore
Viva La Company.
Each Wednesday through Saturday night, and each Sunday afternoon in July, I'd join the cast of our show and sing this song to end the show. Well, the curtain closed for the last time and the stage was struck last Sunday on my first produced play.
What an extraordinary month it was, as well as the weeks leading up to opening night.
One of the exciting things about the month is seeing how this production could be used to help make people's lives better.
One cast member had been living a "hermit-like" existence for the past few years. It was a big step for this person to be a part of this production, and stretch her wings. She was stretched, but she shared with me today how she knows the hand of God was on her as He led her to this show, and to get to know our family.
Another cast member was struggling with some very tough personal issues, and, unfortunately, was put in jail half way through the month. But, fortunately, this was probably the best thing for him. We pray healing in his life, and restoration.
My husband and I would like to figure out a way to work together, and make money at it. This fulfilled some of that desire this summer. It was amazing to see him take my script and bring things out of it I would have never imagined. I especially enjoyed the dream sequence. The mood he evoked with scenery and lighting was very effective.
He also produced an unbelievable music review. He was able to take the different talents and use them in a very effective way to bring out the best in each of the performers. His use of a ventriliquist doll, and the fact he was able to convince his wife to dress in a cow costume says a lot.
And the fact our three daughers were all a part of the production in different capasities was such a special blessing. The Princess was a perfect Irish singing lass, and her music review performances got better with each performance. Z2 and Kiki Aru put a lot of hard work back stage as our crew, and their work made the production go smoothly each night.
Performing can be heady stuff. Hearing each night you do a good job can be a dangerous thing, and I'm glad I am in my forties so I am hopefully handling it with the grace it deserves. I don't think I could have done that about 20 years ago.
One of the songs I performed during the musical review was a song calls "Feels Like Home". While in rehearsals for this song, it never occured to me the impact this song would have on people. I usually had at least one person each performance come up and let me know how that song moved them. Some people were even moved to tears when they heard the song. I never expected this reaction.
It was fun having people I knew come to the play. I appreciated all my family and friends who came to the special premier. I appreciated family coming from far away just to see the play. PKR and I both appreciated Starr Kelso coming and giving such a nice review of the show. PKR has known him since Starr coached him in high school, and I have become acquainted with him this past year through the blogosphere. We also had Jim Kershner from the SR come to see the play. He is the theater reviewer for the paper. He is writing a story about the theater that should be coming out in the paper soon.
There were some people I wish could have seen it that weren't able to make it. But that happens. Tonight we had our cast party, and shared stories about the show. We were so fortunate to have the cast we did this summer. We so appreciated their attitudes and hard work they put into the show, and getting to know them all. What a blessing they were.
My next plan is to tweak the script again, after performing it for a month, and submit it for publication. We'll see what happens.
Close curtain.


  1. I know I should have taken the time to come and see it. Best wishes and God's blessing on publication.

  2. Did Lester get to come to the cast party? What did he sing for an encore?
