
Gathering Graces 5/1/2020 Entering Privileged Space

I love to find quotes about gardening.  I like the following quote because it talks about taking a privileged space and putting a twist on it, turning prose into something near poetry.

"A garden should make you feel you've entered privileged space--a place not just set apart but reverberant--and it seems to me that, to achieve this, the gardener must put some kind of twist on the existing landscape, turn its prose into something nearer poetry."
--Michael Pollan, Second Nature: A Gardner's Education

That is a good description of what Paul and I hope we are doing in our yard.  We are putting our own little twist on the existing landscape, through creating small spaces throughout the yard.

Today that twist was tending to the vegetables.  I took a chance on March 20 and planted some seeds in my "Salad Garden" hoping they would come up and grow.



Black Seeded Simpson

Gourmet Blend

Burpee Bibb

White Paris Lettuce


Swiss Chard

They did!!  Then I said I would plant more seeds on May 1. So today, I cleaned out each tire that I plant my salad garden, and planted more seeds.  Some seeds did well, some came up, and then something ate the little seedlings.  The one vegetable I am very excited that is growing is the beets.  I have not had good luck growing beets in the past, but there is now little beet seedlings, so I am hopeful!!

I also took the vegetables I purchased yesterday and transferred them to bigger pots.

I also enjoy walking around the front and back yards to watch the progress of the bushes coming to life, the tulips blooming, the trees beginning to bud, and everything coming to life!

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