
Gathering Graces 4/8/2020 Signs of Life in My Happy Place

I have always considered my backyard my "Happy Place".  It is a place I can walk around and be creative and quiet and relaxed.  And it is a wonderful place to be, especially now that the weather is warming up a bit.  And I love watching it come to life!!

I wasn't sure it would work...planting seeds on March 20th.  Would they survive the cold and snow and grow at all?

Well, they did survive, and they have sprouted!!  These are different kinds of lettuce mostly.  I love being able to go out and pick lettuce for a fresh salad every day.  I always miss it when my lettuce is gone in the fall.  Soon I will have lettuce to pick.

But now it is time to be patient, and wait until the snow is off the Alahambra Slide so we can plant the warm weather crops.  I just got an email from The Tomato Lady in Pine Creek urging me to go on her website and start making a list of what I want to buy to plant.

I also received an email from one of my seed companies saying they are stopping orders until they can get caught up.  It sounds like people are looking to home gardening with their stay at home orders.  How cool is that!!

I am missing my time with my family on Sundays when we would meet together for meals.  But we are still staying connected.  My sister-in-law Debbie, with help from brother Bill, made some masks and sent us over some this week.

Yesterday we delivered meat pasties to Bill and Debbie and Christy and Everett for their dinner.

Christy dropped of some delicious sweet breads off on our porch last night.

Even though we can't see one another, we are still connected.

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