
Gathering Graces 4/6/2020 Soft Close

Today it was determined by the Idaho State Board of Education that school in Idaho would have a soft close, meaning students would not attend school in the buildings, but finish out the year doing online classes or complete paper packets for their classes.

Paul headed to school Monday to get his packets and information ready for his students to work on material for the next two weeks.

Zoe had some online meetings with her school, and her college where she is working on completing her Masters in Special Education.  She is doing her student teaching this semester, so some changes had to be made for this part of her program.

Zoe's boyfriend Jason arrived on Sunday, and he also works at a school and had some online meetings to help get organized for what lies ahead in working with students.

My heart goes out to the students, especially the seniors.  What a hard way to end their senior year, with so much up in the air regarding those celebratory milestones you have as a senior.

My heart goes out to the teachers and staff at the schools.  So many of them long to see their students face to face, and are not able to.  I watch as Paul tries to process this shift as he is finishing out his teaching career.  This is not the way he planned to spend his last months as a teacher for the Kellogg School District.

Students and staff are feeling a loss.  There is loss of community.  There is loss of learning.  There is loss of routine.  For some, a loss of a safe place to be.  There is sadness, tears and uncertainty.  There are questions that often have no answers.

And we need to remember that everyone is trying to do the best they can.

I have been very impressed by the steps the Kellogg School District, under the leadership of Dr. Nancy Larsen, has taken throughout this whole shift.  They are still providing meals to students, they are started a mask making campaign, they have helped partner with a company to provide free internet to students who do not have internet access.  Lots of positive things happening in the midst of this craziness.

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