
Gathering Graces 4/27/2020 Motivational Phone Call...Spurring One Another On

Sometimes the timing of a phone call from a dear friend is just what is needed.

In these days of social distancing and staying at home, I haven't taken advantage of my time as much to make phone calls.  I have sent letters, and messaged people online, sent emails, but I haven't done much talking on the phone.

A wonderful friend texted me last week to ask how I was doing, and wanted to know if we could set up a time to talk.  We set up today at noon.

The beginning of our talk was about how each of us were doing and handling our time at home. We live about 8 hours from one another, so we only see each other face to face a few times a year.

Then she started talking to me about a special project she has been working on for a long time.  We actually both have similar dreams that we started around the same time, and have put on the back burners of our lives.  She has a burning desire to get going on hers again, but needed to talk to someone about getting motivated.  I gave her some suggestions to try and help her.  We are going to talk again next Monday to see how it went.

In the midst of me giving her some motivation, unbeknownst to her, she provided me some motivation on my own personal dream project.  She told me some things she had been doing, which prompted me to take some action and hopefully get me on path to setting some plans in pace to reach the goal of fulfilling one of my dreams.  I really have no good excuse for not working on mine either.

I look forward to hearing how things go in both of our lives this week as we pursue our special dreams.

One thing I did yesterday after talking to my friend on the phone was sign up to take an online workshop to help me come up with a plan to fulfill my dream.  During the workshop,  I was inspired by this quote from a book titled "The 12 Week Year" by Brian P Morgan and Michael Lennington.

"We behave differently when a deadline approaches.  We procrastinate less, we reduce or eliminate avoidance activities, and we focus more on the things that matter."

Yes, I can be the QUEEN of procrastination and avoidance activities.  Case in point.  I have had a smaller project I have needed to complete these last two months.  I was suppose to have it the first of April.  But, because of things being shut down, my deadline got pushed out.  This was not a good thing.  I needed that deadline to get this project done.  But now I have a deadline.  It is next Monday.  This is a little thing I told my friend that I would get done by the time we talked on Monday.

During my time at home, one of my avoidance activities has been baking.  Sure, let's make 20 dozen cookies, and 30 pasties and a pie.  Anything to avoid this small little project that will probably only take about an hour of my time, but for some reason I keep avoiding it.  Sound familiar?

This result of my earlier phone call reminds me of the verse in Hebrews 10:24-25 that says, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the day approaching."

Even when we are asked to stay at home, God has a way for helping us meet together, whether it is a phone call, a Zoom meeting, Google hangout or teleconference....and through these encounters, we have the ability to be an encourager and spur one another on toward love and good deeds.  Even if we realize we did it or not.

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