
Gathering Gracers 3/27/2020 Vinegar Taffy Pull and Supporting Small Business

I had not been uptown in a while, so Paul, Zoe and I walked uptown so I could mail some letters and packages   and drop off my water bill.  Things were a little busy at the post office, but calm.  There were red lines on the floor helping us keep our six feet distance from one another.  Plastic covered the Post Office window.  The clerk was very upbeat and friendly.

After dropping my water bill off in the bill slot at the water company, we walked through uptown.  Alm  Iost every doorway or window had some kind of sign posted about their temporary closures or ways to use the business even though they are closed.  Some businesses still remain open, like the Back Country Café and Wah Hing that are still offering meals to go.

As we walked passed The Bean, we stopped and each got a coffee drink at the walk up window.  Sarah seemed very optimistic and said she has been keeping busy.  I am so glad!!

Ever since I have known Paul, he has talked about one of his fond childhood memories...making Vinegar Taffy with his mom, dad and brothers.  Every few years he would talk about it, but we never got around to making it.  Well, today was the day.  When we returned home, Zoe pulled up the picture of the recipe she had on her phone from Grandma Pat, and her and Paul started making the candy.

Once it reached hard ball stage, Paul poured it on a buttered platter.  Once the candy started cooling, we would grab some and start pulling.  It was fun, and the candy was delicious.

We had decided, as long as there were restaurants open, we would support one each week by getting a take out order of food.  Tonight we got pizza from Zany's Sunshine Inn.  I love their garlic butter sauce, and we enjoyed both pizzas with this sauce on it.

Then we watched more Picard...things are starting to get interesting!!!

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