
Lunch Date and "Hosta Takeover"

There is a new restaurant that opened uptown called "The BackCountry Café". It serves breakfast and lunch seven days a week, and is open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.  Paul and I really enjoyed our meal.  I had a Beef Lover's Sandwich, and Paul enjoyed a Reuben and Rachel.  To see more information and to check out their menu, you can go here

Go treat yourself to a great sandwich, or pick up an order to go!

I was looking at the front of our house today, and we seem to have a bit of a "hosta takeover" (pun intended!!).  For whatever reason, the conditions in front of our house under the living room window are the perfect conditions to grow hostas.  And I have split most of these in the fall to share with others, and they just keep coming back, bigger and better than ever.  I got the small one from my brother's yard last fall, but it didn't get planted in the proper spot.  I need to move it over the the right to center it better between the other two hostas on either side.  I love that they grow like crazy in this front flower bed.

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