
Gathering Graces 3/3/2019

*While deciding what to do for our family dinner meal this week, I was looking at ways to prepare chuck steak.  I had a package of the chuck steak in the freezer, and thought it would be the perfect main dish for Sunday’s dinner.  I found a recipe called “Guiness-Braised Chuck Steak with Horseradish Mashed Potatoes.”  Instead of the mashed potatoes, I prepared Horseradish Mashed Cauliflower.  The meat was cooked in a broth of sauteed onions, carrots and spices, with chicken broth and Guiness stout, and mushrooms.  I found a container of dried mushrooms at Costco the other day, and, once I rehydrated them, they were a perfect addition to this meat dish.  The mashed cauliflower was creamy and delicious with a bite of horseradish flavor.  I also baked a loaf of Keto Irish Soda Bread that was made with almond flour and coconut flour that turned out really good.  We spread it with Kerrygold Irish butter.  The meal began with a walnut tossed salad.  This recipe is in my Betty Crocker Cookbook, that I have used since receiving it as a wedding present.  I hadn’t made this salad in a long time, but I love the warm, oily, vinegary, slightly sweet and salty dressing that you pour over the lettuce. In keeping with the Irish theme, our pre-dinner cocktail was an Irish Martini.  Before you pour the vodka martini into the glass, you take Irish Whiskey and coat the inside of the glass with the Irish Whiskey, giving it a slightly different flavor, then add a lemon twist.  If you would like to look at the Chuck Steak recipe you can find it here, and the Keto Irish Soda Bread recipe is here.  The Irish Martini recipe is here.
*With the plunging temperatures, we moved church once again into the Fellowship Hall.  I like having the intimate feel with everyone so close every once in a while. 
*It was a glorious afternoon chopping and mixing and braising and setting the table to prepare for the evening family dinner meal.  I love preparing delicious meals for people to share around our dining room table. 
*Again we had wonderful conversations at dinner tonight about a variety of topics.  Bill shared about how much better he sees now that he has had two successful cataract surgeries.  He also shared about attending church in Coeur d’Alene this morning at the Episcopal Church, and how he loved the emphasis on the Transfiguration as the church prepares for the upcoming Lenten season, which begins this Wednesday.  Christy shared about how much she enjoyed attending a P.E.O. function in Spokane, and how inspiring the guest speaker was at the event. More talk swirled around the table as we talked about local Silver Valley residents and their connections to us and to others we know.  What a warm and satisfying evening.

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