
Gathering Graces 3/27/2019

*Our puppet show went well today, and the students seemed to enjoy the presentation.  Jordan, Naomi and Brianna all did a great job!!  We told the story of Rupunzel in a very unique way, as a puppets portrayed Mother, Father, Ogre, Witch and Demon Radish.  Yes, there was a Demon Radish in the show (portrayed by the Dragon puppet).  Zoe came to watch and said it was good.  After the puppet show, we cleaned things up and went into the library and played Apples to Apples with some of the students until it was time for them to go home.  It was a fun afternoon.
*Earlier, I had gone to Kellogg High School to meet with Rachel, one of the counselors, about helping start a program for the high school students to prepare for College and Careers.  And I was so lucky, that while I was there the school had a fire drill!!  LOL!  After my meeting I went up and put some finished touches on my pottery piece that I have been working on.  It will be fired during spring break, and I will be able to start glazing it the following week.
*After Paul returned home after Parent/Teacher conferences, I went down to set up my classes, and he and Zoe decided we should all play some “Racko”.  It was a fun game to play as we visited.
*Here are a few pictures from the puppet show.

The part of the Mother and Father were portrayed by the Queen and King.

The part of the Witch was portrayed by the Mermaid.

The part of the Demon Radish was portrayed by the Dragon.

The part of the Ogre was portrayed by The Pirate.

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