
Gathering Graces 3/15/2019

*This week it has been nice to begin classes at 3 a.m. instead of 2:30 a.m.  It is amazing what just that extra half hour means.  Then I got a good nap this morning.  Almost too good.  I wasn’t that tired when I headed to bed tonight.  But my Saturday and Sunday classes now begin at 4 a.m., which is nice.  But the teaching schedule is going to get revamped.  It is getting a bit much.  I think it worked at first because each slot was not booked.  Now my whole schedule is booked, which is a really good thing, but it has become a bit overwhelming.  Starting in a couple of weeks, I am going to start alternating doing classes Friday evening and Saturday evening.  Once summer hits, I may do away with evenings all together for the summer.  But with the student’s schedules changing, I may add some other evenings for a few classes, but not six in a row as I currently have them scheduled.  My evening is their morning, and when they are on summer break they may take more daytime classes.  We will see how it all comes together this summer.
*I was excited to see my Christmas cactus blooming with pretty pink blossoms.  It is too late for Christmas, and too early for Easter.  Perhaps a St. Paddy’s Day cactus this year?
*After a nice bath, and reading some more of the book, it was about time to head downstairs for classes.  I left a note for Paul to prepare some sausages when he got home, and I eat them when I was done teaching.  He had Driver’s Ed again tonight, so he wasn’t home until about 7 p.m.
*I finished up my classes, got ready for the next morning, then went up and wrote up my feedback.  I went to bed and was still awake at 9:30 p.m.  I liked that I was able to continue reading Barbara Lynch’s book Out of Line.  It is a great story.

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