
Gathering Graces 2/24/2019

*What a wonderful morning at church.  It is always encouraging to hear the testimony of the good things God is doing in the lives of the people in our congregation. 
*A little after 1 p.m. I called my friend Christina Curry on the phone.  She now lives over in Seattle.  She wanted to talk about something, so I told her I would call her Sunday afternoon.  I couldn’t believe, when the conversation ended, that we had been talking on the phone for three hours!!  The time just flew by. It was so fun to have such a good talk. When the girls and I go on our trip to Seattle in a couple of weeks, Tina is going to join us for dinner one night.  It will be fun to see her!! 
*Around the time Tina and I were wrapping up on the phone, I received a text from Bill suggesting we possibly go out to dinner instead of meet at his house.  Later we found out it had something to do with Bill going to the store and forgetting his wallet.  But his forgetting his wallet was our gain, as we gathering at Casa d’Oro, (wow, we got Casa d’Oro twice this week!!) and I enjoyed great food and fun conversation.  I was in the mood for a Margarita.  I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed a Margarita.  I am sure it has been well over a year or more.  But it was a perfect complement to my tamale and chili relleno.  Christy and I started talking about who “The Monster” could possibly be on The Masked Singer.  That lead to the rather off-the-wall suggestion that it could be David Soul, and how his song Don’t Give Up On Me Baby was a really bad song from the seventies.  I brought up a list someone had made of really bad songs from the seventies, and we had a little “bad song” sing-a-long while sitting there in Casa d’Oro.  What would your choices be?  As I looked at a couple different lists, some of the top vote getters for worst songs of the seventies included Debby Boone’s You Light Up My Life, Morris Albert’s Feelings, Bo Donaldson and the Heywood’s Billy Don’t Be A Hero, Terry Jacks Seasons in the Sun, Rupert Holmes Escape (The Pina Colada Song), and the top on many lists.....Rick Dees Disco Duck.  Boy did hearing the titles of these songs transport me back to grade school and being at dances in junior high.
*One of the songs that also appeared on some of the lists was Afternoon Delight sung by the Starland Vocal Band.  I always laugh when I hear this song, because is reminds me of being at Kellogg Junior High School.  In the morning at KJHS, as we waiting for classes to begin, students would gather in the cafeteria.  Music was played during this time as we waited for the bell to ring to head to our first class.  One of the songs played was Afternoon Delight., because the music played was usually top 40 hits from the time.  One day we found out this song was banned because of the content of the lyrics.  It was deemed inappropriate for junior high school students.  The funny thing about this is, we probably didn’t even think about what the song meant, or what the lyrics were even saying until it was banned.  Then we started paying attention to the lyrics, and realized what the “Afternoon Delight” was they were referring to in the song.  Before that, most of us were probably clueless.

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