
Gathering Graces 1/30/2019

*Through many things I have been reading lately, it seems a theme has been emerging.  This theme has to do with redemption, resurrection, and how often we have things in our lives that die, but that death brings about something even better than there was before.  That is what I love about the message of Jesus.  His message is all about redemption, and resurrection, and bringing back to life those things that are dead, and redeeming the lost, and  doing it all with an unconditional love that I cannot even comprehend.
*As I walked around my backyard today taking photographs, I thought about how that is exactly what happens each winter in my yard.  Things die off.  They get brown and whither.  The leaves fall off the trees.  But during this season, something miraculous happens.  Through the death the plants experience in the fall and winter, there is also new life that is happening underground that we cannot see.  The cold and snow cause a transformation that will eventually create beauty once again in my grasses, plants and trees.  It is a cycle that happens every year.  And often our lives become a part of that cycle.  Sometimes our lives become cold and hard and brittle.  But in the midst of this season, new life is forming.  A new seed is stirring and ready to burst forth, and it has the potential to be more lovely and more beautiful than it was before.  Especially if it soaks in the warmth and water and sunlight offered it.  Often when we find ourselves going through something hard, we want to hide.  We want to run away from the warmth, water and light of those around us who want to help.  When that happens, it hinders our new growth, and the potential for the new beauty that is about the burst forth.  Don’t stay buried under the ground, even if for now it seems a comfortable and safe place to be.  Allow yourself to experience and accept the light, the love, the warmth and the nourishment of those people in your lives to who are willing to surround you with these things.  Let God come in and nourish you as well, and bring you comfort.  It is through the accepting of the love you are being offered that you will bloom and grow like you have never bloomed before. 
*Being around fun and creative students is such a joy.  Today in the drama class we continued to create characters and do little skits, and have a fun time.  What fun to watch the confidence in these students grow and they continue to learn about how to perform and become someone else. 
*One of my favorite “Keto” meals is tacos.  Instead of taco shells, we use Romaine Lettuce leaves.  But I pile everything else on that I love to have on a taco....seasoned hamburger, cheese, tomatoes, guacamole and salsa.  Yum, yum, yum!!!  It is so delicious!!

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