
Gathering Graces 1/12/2019

*With a sunny day and blue sky, and temperatures in the mid forties, Paul and I decided to take a walk along the Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes east of Kellogg along the South Fork of the Coeur d’Alene River.  It was a beautiful walk, and it felt so good to walk on such a beautiful day.  I seemed more like March than the second week of January!!  The trees that were covered with snow during my dentist appointment last Monday have snow no longer.
*The last bit of carpet in our home is on the stairs that lead to the basement.  Paul started taking off some of the carpet to see what we need to do to make the stairs usable after all the carpet is removed.  Once this carpet is gone, our home will be carpet free.  I will be very thankful!
*My attempts to take a nap this morning were met with resistance.  I could nod off fine while sitting working on the sofa, but once I went to bed, I could not fall asleep.  So I thought maybe a warm bubble bath would help me relax.  So I relaxed in a warm bath and read some of The Gentleman in Moscow.  I am making good progress on this amazing book, and, if all goes well, it should be completed by Friday when my book group meets.  I am looking forward to discussing this book.

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