
Gathering Graces 11/3/2018

*I forgot to share what I was thankful for yesterday, so I will double up on thankfulness today.
*On Friday, I was thankful for the rainy weather.  We have been in need of rain after a very dry summer.  I also like the rain because it is getting all the plants I recently put in the ground lots of moisture before the freezing temperatures come.  I have been very thankful for the rain.
*Today I am thankful for the ability to be quiet.  I like our home, because it is a very easy place to enjoy peace and quiet.  I like being still.  I like having a peaceful environment.  Most of the time, I think our home has this “vibe”. 
*This morning I talked to April over in Italy.  We had not been able to talk for a while, so it was so nice to visit, and get caught up on each others comings and goings.  I shared with her bout my trip to Montana, and she talked about a wonderful restaurant and bed and breakfast her and her husband Eric go to, and the fabulous meal they had their the other evening to celebrate being Italian citizens.  Reason number 576 why I really want to return to Italy for a visit!!
*My spice cupboard has always been a mess.  It was full of outdated, old spices. It was disorganized.  It was always hard to find the spices you needed.  It was hard to know if the spices you needed were in the cupboard or not.  So I have been working on these cupboards for the past few days, and finally got them organized.  They have never looked so good!!  I also did an inventory of the items I have in the cupboard so I know what spices I may need to purchase.  And usually around this time of year, as the holidays approach, you can get good deals on spices.  And I threw away a whole big garbage bag full of items from these cupboards that I no longer needed.

This part of the cupboard is dedicated to items I would use for baking.

Yes, I really like my Pampered Chef measuring cups in many different forms!!

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