
Gathering Graces 11/29/2018

*Christy is doing better, but the process of doing better is not fun.  Infections drain.  Infections hurt.  Infections need cleaned.  Infections have dressings that need changed.  And all this is very painful.  But, unfortunately, it is part of the process.  The good news is she was much more alert and her vitals seem to be better.  She has decided to postpone her knee surgery, which I think came as a relief.  But she has a long recovery ahead, so continue to prayers and good thoughts!!  She appreciates them all!!
*Paul left this morning for State Drama competition in Twin Falls.  He got to spend all day riding a packed charter bus.  And there was a delay in the departure time, so they didn’t arrive in Twin Falls until about 10:30 p.m.  He has one student, Harley Duce, who is competing in Original Solo.  The piece she is doing was written by our good friend and one of Paul’s former drama students Ryan Griffin.  I watched her piece last Tuesday when I was up at KHS, and she does a good job.
*Last night when I went down to my classroom to start preparing for tomorrow’s classes, I grabbed a stuffed snake that I use as a prop, and it had holes in it.  It was stuffed with some kind of seeds.  My only conclusion was that a mouse had found the snake and gnawed on it, and made the holes.  Because I had used the snake yesterday and there were no holes at all.  So then I started looking around, and everything on the floor looked like a mouse dropping!!  So I moved my classroom upstairs to my office so I can spend some time over the weekend cleaning up the room downstairs.  I let Clark our cat loose in the basement, but he didn’t look like he sensed any prey in the area.  Let’s hope we find the culprit and culprits, and get rid of them soon!!

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