
Gathering Graces 10/2/2018

*The rain finally arrived in the Silver Valley today.  It was gray and rainy for most of the day.  But that is okay.  I like the rain.  But it sure made Wallace a quiet and sleepy town today.
*The day began in the dentist’s chair for my semi-annual teeth cleaning. They also needed a full set of X-Rays.  And my tooth that I received a crown on last spring as giving me a little difficulty, so they ground down a part of it.  We will see if that works.  I came away with one application for my teeth care....floss more!!!
*After walking around the yard this afternoon, I think it will be time to clean up some of the vegetables this weekend, and pick what I can.  Most of the squash leaves and cucumbers are dying.  The green beans have finished.  The tomatoes plants are dying off as well.  I think I will leave the Brussels Sprouts and the cabbage for a while longer.  But most of the other things will be dug up.
*A friend and I were recently talking about how life can sometimes be so routine, like a hamster wheel.  You wake up.  You have your morning routine.  You go to work.  You come home from work.  You have dinner.  You relax a bit.  You go to bed.  (repeat).  Now don’t get me wrong.  I actually like routines.  But I also need things to be shaken up a bit.  Things will be shaking up in my life here very soon!!!

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