
Gathering Graces 10/10/2018

*Tonight I attended the first Innovation Collective Silver Valley Fireside Chat at the Broken Wheel.  It was kind of the “launching party” for people to gather together and make connections and see what is happening and what can happen in the Silver Valley. This is the group that is renovating the old YMCA building.
According to their Facebook Group page, this is the mission of Innovation Collective Silver Valley:
Our mission is to rebuild inclusive communities, inspire innovation, and unlock economic prosperity. We do this by organizing individuals, cities, and businesses through a unique, five-year campaign that combines leadership courses, economic development, and education reforms.
Our vision is a series of cities that serve as hubs of innovation with economic niches (or "verticals") that reflect the history, strengths, and passions of its people. Our staff matches these hubs with corporations and investors who are keen to partner with like-minded entrepreneurs and civic leaders for their R&D, manufacturing, distributing, and venture philanthropy.
The guest speaker at the chat was Don Rumple, a local businessman who I have known practically my whole life, but had no idea he has patents on a variety of items.  Currently he owns Kellogg Plastics in Smelterville.  One thing I found interesting was they provide all the Christmas lights for the beautiful light display in Caldwell, Idaho that we have visiting over the years when we go to Meridian for Christmas.
The plan is to have these Fireside Chats the second Wednesday of each month at the Broken Wheel, which actually had a fire in the room we met in, so it was actually fireside.  There are also Coffee Collectives that are held in Coeur d’Alene that sound interesting, and something I may drive over and do soon as well. 
*Taking a two hour nap really helped today.  I think naps will become a regular part of my morning routine.
*It was pretty brisk this morning on our walk.  It was 33 degrees according to the weather on my phone.  Brrrrrrrrr.  The two ski mountain in the area, Silver Mountain and Lookout, did have a bit of snow on the ground the other morning!!

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