
Gathering Graces 9/3/2018

*Today is Labor Day.  For some it is a public holiday honoring the working people of the U.S.  For others, it is a sign that summer has come to an end, even though summer isn’t officially over until Friday, September 21st.  Here, school begins tomorrow, and that causes a change in the routine of many people.  Paul and I included.  Because Paul will be returning to school tomorrow.  I will not.  The first time in 11 years.  Does it feel strange?  A bit.  I will let you know more how I feel after tomorrow.
*Things were a little slower up in Wallace at the mine tour, but there was still had a consistent flow of people. 
*When I arrived home, I worked in the gardens for a while.  I cut roses, and over the summer I have been saving the petals and drying them.  They are so fragrant, even after they have dried!  I also harvested more squash, and a big bowl of rat tail radishes.  I hope to work with them tomorrow.
*We had a delicious dinner of grilled steak, sauteed mushrooms and grilled acorn squash.  I tried something a little different tonight with the grilled romaine.  Usually we grill the romaine lettuce and put toppings on it and eat it.  Today I decided to cut it up after it was grilled, and add it to some of the other greens from the garden, with a cut up cucumber and cut up tomato.  I put olive oil and red wine vinegar and salt and pepper on the salad, then topped it with freshly grated Parmesan cheese.  I love having the warm lettuce mixed in with the other parts of the salad. 
*Paul and I have some new and exciting changes coming up, and we talked about them over dinner, and how we need a planning day to get organized so we can accomplish everything we need to do this fall.  One change this fall, that is kind of sad, is our frequent trips to Moscow to see the Vandal football games....or more specifically....the Vandal Marching Band.  With Cosette graduating, she is no longer a member.  But, in the flip side, that does leave us more time at home on the weekends to work on all our projects.
*I did some VIPKID organization tonight.  I have a class scheduled for tomorrow morning, so I want my props better ordered in my classroom in the basement.  It felt good to get a lot of that done today.

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