
Gathering Graces 9/24/2018

*I was feeling a little off this morning, so I skipped my walk and crawled back into bed for a while after I taught my classes.  My head hurt.  A bit of upset tummy.  But by noon or so, I was feeling much better.
*I ordered some bushes, and some of them arrived today.  I wanted to get some bushes that would be a great contrast to the front of our much darker painted house.  I look forward to them blooming next spring through fall.  They may go into the big pile of dirt for the winter, then I will transplant them in the spring once I have a plan on what bushes I want to go where. 
*I loved walking around the garden this morning.  The sky was so blue and beautiful.  Every day the roses bloom and their lovely fragrance wafts throughout the air as I stand and drink it all in.  Ahhhhhhhh.

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