
Gathering Graces 9/17/2018

*My day started out teaching Sherry this morning at 4:30 a.m.  I am slowly getting used to the earlier mornings.  Once I am done with classes for the morning, I dress in my walking clothes, and walk down and meet Nikki, Clifford and Butters for our morning walk around town.  Then it is home, have my morning “keto coffee”, pray with Paul before he heads to work, and then start this new routine I have created for myself.
*I finally got my office organized and have moved myself back into this space, using it instead of the coffee table in front of the television.  I like working in my office space.  I am going to try and have different spaces in the house dedicated to certain things I want to do throughout the day.  My office is for writing and teaching prep.  My bedroom desk is for bill paying and business related projects.  I have a room in the basement for my teaching.  I hope to get our basement organized enough where I can have a space devoted to “crafty” pursuits.  I think these different spaces in the house will help me keep scheduled and focused better as I create my new routine.
*I set out a package of hamburger, and looked for something to prepare for dinner.  I found a Beef Strogonoff recipe, but I didn’t have any sour cream, and didn’t feel like going to the store.  Then I found a hamburger steak recipe with mushroom gravy.  All keto friendly.  Lots of heavy whipping cream, butter, avocado oil, onions, mushrooms, a dash of bourbon, Montreal Steak Seasoning.  Many of my favorites.  It turned out really good.  Then I picked some tomatoes, and a couple of the Armenian cucumbers and paired them with some oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.  Eating the Armenian cucumbers made me wish I would have more.  They were a little on the sweet side, and so flavorful.  The two I picked tonight may be the only two  I harvest this year.

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