
Gathering Graces 8/3/2018

*Toward the end of the day at work, I met a couple who lived in Meridian, where we used to live.  They were very friendly and the wife worked for the West Ada School District.  When they returned from their mine tour, they were talking to Dennis, our trolley driver, and the husband was giving Dennis some information about his website, because he was an author.  His name is Dennis Mansfield, and I remember him when we lived in Meridian.  He ran for congress at one time, and many other things.  But it looks like things changed in his life when his son died from taking drugs.  After reading an article about it, I remember that happening, too.  My brief encounter with this couple today was very uplifting, and you can tell Dennis loves people and wants to lift them up.  I am glad I met them today.  If you are curious about Dennis Mansfield, go to http://dennismansfield.com/  He shared a little bit about a book his wrote this is coming out soon called To Trust in What We Cannot See.  Here is the description:
Dennis Mansfield’s newest book takes readers to an ethical dilemma in meeting Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Trotsy and Tito – all in one setting, all at one time – in 1913. Before they became tyrants, they were young men and neighbors – all in the same European city – though they did not know each other. Researched over two years in seven countries and the Holy Land, this is a historical science-fiction story of what did happen and what could have happened.
*Tonight was the start of Paul’s 40 year class reunion.  It was a fun evening gathering outside at the Longshot Saloon with Paul’s classmates and having some really nice time of visiting.  I enjoyed visiting with former teacher Phil Batchelder and his wife Deb for a while.  It was also great visiting with Bob Santi and his wife Steffani Cate Santi, Janlyn Holland Cleveland and her husband Kenny, Bonnie Nelson and Dan Ruff, Jan DeLuca Martin, Gretchen Dire, Steve Bourgard and Kim Wright, Sue Finlay Clark and many others.  One of Paul’s former basketball coaches Starr Kelso also showed up, and we had a nice visit with him.  We also took a photo of Coach Kelso with some of his former JV Basketball Team that were present, including Bob Santi, Kenny Cleveland, Paul, Craig Turback and Steve Bourgard.

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