
Gathering Graces 7/31/2018

*Paul and I drove to Coeur d’Alene this morning to pay tribute to a wonderful man I have known practically my whole life, Gary Damiano.  Growing up, he was a pharmacist in town, and owned Gary’s Drug uptown on the corner of Main and McKinley.  In 1996, his daughter Michele became a part of my family when she married Paul’s brother David.  Gary died peacefully in his sleep on July 18, and today we gathered to honor his life.  I really enjoy the Catholic funeral service.  I had never been to a Catholic funeral service where the Knights of Columbus wore their regalia, including plumed hats and capes.  It was beautiful.  I loved everything about his service yesterday.  I believe when you leave a funeral you should be weepy, but also celebratory at a life well lived.  Yesterday was definitely a celebration of a life well lived by Gary Damiano.
*This service brought many people from the Silver Valley, and also people who used to be from the Silver Valley, but now live elsewhere.  Three members of the family from Meridian/Nampa came up to the funeral, and it was great to see them, Kevin, Linda and Laurie.  I also had a great visit with Linda Cougher and her husband Harry.  Linda and Harry had been friends of my parents, and Linda had also been Cosette’s kindergarten teacher.  Bill and Joan Boyd sat at the table with us, and before we left, Joan approached me and told me a story about a connection someone in her family had with my Uncle Harry Woolum, who lived in Boise.  I think a member of her family and Uncle Harry attended the same church in Boise.  I also saw Roxy Boone and Jill R Bachmeier Spiker, Sheri Poulson, (who also graduated from KHS a few years before me, but is a faithful reader of my blog), Susan Damiano Warnecke, Michele’s sister, Joni Bartel, who is Michele’s cousin, and her sisters, and Mrs. (Mary Hoffman Edwards and Beth Hoffman Gibbons mom) .....oh the list goes on and on. 
*A highlight of the time was meeting a woman I have always known of as Sister Patricia, but never knew personally.  She was a nun who taught at our Catholic Elementary school, that was still open when I was in first and second grade. When I arrived at the church, Susan Damiano Warnecke introduced me to her.  She was at the service because she is a good friend of Gary’s wife Mary Damiano.   Many of my friends I graduated from high school which, including April M Lee, Kellee Crall Mills, Brenda Adams, Rich Poulson and Dana Droste Mulick, had her as a teacher.  It was wonderful meeting her and visiting with her.
*After the luncheon provided in the Parish Hall, Paul and said our goodbyes to family and got in the car in the 97 degree heat and stopped at Starbucks for an iced drink.  The woman who we ordered our drink from was very helpful in telling us the proper way to order our drink at Starbucks.  We like to order what is called a Breve.  Most coffee stands call it that, a Breve.  Starbucks does not call it a Breve.  They call it a Latte with Breve, meaning they make a Latte but use Half and Half instead of Milk.  And, if we wanted an Americano with cream, we would order an Americano with Breve.  So now we know!!
*I stayed inside, away from the heat this afternoon.  I watched some Chopped and Chopped After Hours episodes.  Around 5, Paul went out and cut some lettuce from the garden, and we enjoyed a nice fresh salad and each had a tin of sardines.  On one of the Chopped episodes, they were preparing sardines, and it sounded really good!!
*Paul had a meeting a church, so I had texted Christy to see if it would be okay to come over to visit with her while Paul was at the meeting.  She said yes, so I visited with Christy, and also Debbie some for a couple of hours while Paul was at the meeting. After the meeting Paul and I came home and enjoyed the cool night air on the patio before going to bed.

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