
Gathering Graces 7/18/2018

*Taking a nap at 10 in the morning is a luxury these days.  And a luxury I took advantage of today, because it was my day off, and I could!!  While I was sleeping, I kept hearing a whirring sound, and wasn’t sure what was happening.  When I woke up from my nap, I looked at my phone, and Paul had sent me a photo of his latest project.  He was using his new Dremel to create a chess board on the stump of the birch tree that was cut down.  So tomorrow we will have the inaugural chess match to christen the birch tree chess board.
*Around 1 p.m., Paul and I drove to Coeur d’Alene.  He dropped me off at The Porch restaurant in Hayden where I met Kellee Crall Mills for lunch.  We had a great time catching up.  The Porch is a great restaurant, and it is in a beautiful location.
*Kellee drove me to Frey Meyer where I met up with Paul and we did a little shopping.  Then we drove to Costco and did a lot of shopping.  Then a quick stop at The Well Read Moose bookstore, and then we headed home.
*After putting the food away, we hopped on our bikes and went to Christy and Everett’s house.  Christy wanted Paul to look at her recliner, because it was not working properly.  Paul found the problem, quickly fixed it, and now the recliner works again.  Christy gave me an update on her recovery, and it was nice to visit with both of them.  Then we went next door to visit with Bill and Debbie.  We went over to see if either of them would be available to drive us and our bikes to Mullan tomorrow so we could ride our bikes from Mullan to Kellogg in the morning.  Bill said he would be able to do that, and we made plans to be at his house at 9 a.m. to head up to Mullan.
*We cut up some Dry Italian Salami,  Pecorino Romano cheese, pickled asparagus and cucumber and tomatoes in oil and vinegar, and enjoyed this light meal on our patio.  It fits right in with the book I am reading, that is set in Italy. 

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