
Gathering Graces 7/12/2018

*Today I spend the majority of the day with the Reagan family from New York City.  The father is the Police Commissioner, the grandfather is the former Police Commissioner, the oldest brother is a detective, the youngest brother is a beat cop, and the daughter works in the District Attorney’s office.  I was excited the other day when I saw Season 8 of Blue Bloods was on Netflix.  Today, I needed a day of doing a whole lot of “not much”.  So I spent a majority of the day laying on the couch and watching episode after episode of the television show Blue Bloods.  Some people refer to this as binge-watching.  Sometimes I would drift off to sleep and I would have to go back and re-watch part of an episode.  But it was a much needed day of rest and relaxation.

Clark and Toby didn't want to miss out on the rest and relaxation of the day.
*Paul had his last day of driver’s ed today, driving with students from 7:30 a.m. to about 3:30 p.m.  When he got home, he was worn out, and he joined me on the couch, dozing and watching Blue Bloods.
*We both eventually rallied from off the couch, and we had dinner.  Paul grilled some fish and some green beans, and we enjoyed a salad with greens from our salad garden.  I picked some raspberries from the never ending raspberry patch, and also picked some peas. Paul did some weed eating around the yard.  Then I relaxed on the patio, enjoying the cool evening, and read my book for a while.  Kind of a perfect evening if you ask me.

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