
Gathering Graces 6/6/2018

*Paul and I attended and participated in the Poetry Slam put on by the Kellogg High School Creative Writing class.  We were the only two non-students, but we loved getting up and sharing our poetry.  I shared You Were The Quarterback....You Were The Basketball Star.  I was the first one to get up and share.  If you want to read my poem, you can go here.  Paul shared a poem he wrote titled Bringing Back Thespis, about what the word drama really means to him.  There were three judges in the crowd, and each poem was given a number from 1-10, so this was a competition.  Two students ended up getting perfect tens and tied f for first place.  Paul received the next highest score, and received third place.  There was a great turn out in the garden area of Radio Brewery uptown.  There were also anthologies of the Creative Writing students work on the tables, so we were able to look at some of the things they wrote throughout the year. 

The crowd enjoying the Poetry Slam
*On our way home, we stopped at Yokes to buy a big bottle of blue mouthwash.  We needed a bottle of beer, so we went to Christy and Everett’s house to see if they had one.  Debbie was at their house, and she said they had a big can of Rainier beer her son had left last weekend.  Success!!  We are going to take the beer and the mouthwash, combine it with Epsom Salts, and supposedly create a spray that gets rid of mosquitoes in the backyard for about 80 days.  We will see if it helps.  You may have seen this image on Facebook.  I know I did.  We will try it and see if it works.  If not, our lawn will smell minty fresh!!!

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